Addressing mental health in an engaging and evidence-based way isn’t easy. But certain speakers are absolutely brilliant at it. We’ve scoured the globe to introduce you to the best speakers we now have the pleasure of representing. These speakers are vetted and ready to bring wellness and healing into your workplace.

Top 5 Mental Health and Wellness Speakers

Elijah Kala McShane

Elijah Kala McShane is a kanaka oiwi o Hawai’i (native descendant of the Hawaiian islands) and direct descendant of both Hawai’i/Maui & O’ahu chiefly lineages. Elijah, also known as Kahu Kala, is the co-founder (with his wife Jazmin Yong) of Awakened Aloha, an organization focused on “inspiring a world where aloha is the heartbeat of humanity.” Awakened Aloha’s work bridges ancient wisdom and ancestral connection to modern wellness through the mauli ola (healing arts), la’au lapa’au (plant medicine), aloha education, and community development. His work has inspired hearts in the educational, political, and spiritual sectors of modern Hawai’i to visioneer a future that promotes harmony for all people beginning with Hawai’i and her children. As an ambassador of aloha and messenger of lokahi, Elijah shares a universal message that lays at the foundation of all people and cultures, “aloha ‘aina, aloha akua, aloha kanaka” (a deep honor and reverence for the land, the spirits, and the people). May this message of truth reach all dimensions of existence and call forth unity from the depths of po to the peaks of the lewa lani. E ola mau.

Christine Arylo

Christine Arylo, MBA, is a transformational leadership advisor, social impact entrepreneur, and four-time best-selling author working with people to make shift happen – in the lives they lead, the work they do and the world they want to create. From their heart and smarts. Led by their internal power and intuition. Dedicated to making a meaningful impact, without sacrificing themselves. Her whole-being, wisdom-led approach focuses on teaching people how to design lives, daily routines, short- and long-term goals, working patterns, and teams and organizations that are rooted in wholeness, wellness and interconnectedness, where success includes personal, organizational and collective sustainability.

Blending traditional leadership techniques gained from her extensive 25 years of corporate and entrepreneurial experience, including Fortune 500 companies like Gap Inc. and Visa, and an MBA from Kellogg School of Management, with 20+ years of study in modalities based on conscious leadership, human potential, yogic science, body-mind-heart integration, intuitive thinking and somatic meditation, Arylo brings a new lens and elevated consciousness to leadership, business, organization and life design. For over a decade, Arylo has researched the roots of burnout and overwhelm in working women, and developed and taught new ways for working wise, living well, and redefining success. Her approach gives individuals and those leading others a path to designing a more sustainable way to do business and operate as a society, rooted in wellness and true wealth.

Christine Arylo

Elke Geraerts

Boundless curiosity and a passion for people – this perhaps best describes Elke. This unique combination quickly led to a flourishing academic career. With a PhD in psychology, Elke held various positions at the universities of Harvard, St Andrews, Maastricht and Rotterdam, where she attracted international attention with her solid research work. But she was drawn to the business world. Triggered by her scientific insights into mental resilience, she started the company Better Minds at Work. This international consultancy company focuses on increasing mental resilience, energy and productivity of employees and now consists of about sixty psychologists, doctors and consultants. Elke’s trademark is without doubt the way in which she manages to translate new psychological insights into fresh and accessible day-to-day applications.

This is how she inspires people and organizations to hone their mental resilience and to become the best possible version of themselves. Her big breakthrough came with her bestseller Mentaal Kapitaal (Mental Capital; 2015). This book, which is now in its fourteenth edition, was recently launched on the international market in English under the title Better Minds and in Chinese. She just launched a new book, The Mental Reset, in which she inspires to move towards a post pandemic era with healthier and more successful habits. What is so remarkable is that Elke’s stories seem to touch each individual, from Los Angeles, to Sydney, from Stockholm to Cape Town, Buenos Aires to Singapore.

Elke Geraerts

Dr. Abby Hamilton

She is a 2-time TEDx speaker and Filipino-American industrial/organizational psychologist who speaks on assertiveness and culture. She is also the Director of Student Services at Everglades University in Tampa and Principal Scientist at EQMatch focusing on emotional intelligence assessment. Dr. Abby is the Senior Vice Chairman of the Philippine Cultural Foundation, Inc. and Vice President of National Association of Asian American Professionals – Tampa chapter.

Dr. Abby Hamilton

Katrina Strohl

Katrina Strohl (They/She/He) served as an Aviation Structural Mechanic in the US Navy. In 2018, Katrina decided to take their own life after internalizing the behavior of an unsafe workplace. They now serve others through their work in psychological safety, mental health and boundary strategy for people who share their identities or their lived experiences.
This work includes Absolutely Not! the weekly live podcast dedicated to providing examples of setting personal boundaries at work and the vocabulary needed to name harm in those spaces.
Katrina is Black, Sāmoan and Queer.

Katrina lives with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), Major Depressive Disorder (MDD), attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and a substance use disorder.

Katrina Strohl

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